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Zalox attended IPAM Porto Career Week

This past week, Zalox attended two events of the fourth edition of IPAM Porto's Career Week.

On Tuesday, 26 November, Zalox's CEO Francisco Cardoso participated as a speaker in this initiative.

The theme of the talk was “Preparing for the job market”, a topic of great relevance to the student population who is preparing to start a new cycle of their lives.

The lecture took place in the morning at IPAM Porto facilities and had a lot of attendance and participation from the students.

Also during the fourth edition of Career Week 2019, Zalox attended yesterday the Employability Job Fair. The initiative brought together 20 companies from different areas who shared experiences and potential job opportunities with IPAM students. The contact between companies and students was an excellent opportunity for young people to have some interaction with the job market.

IPAM is an educational institution with 35 years of experience in marketing education, having always sought close contact with companies and markets. We were delighted to be present at these IPAM events, to whom Zalox thanks the invitation. We would love to participate in future editions.
