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The importance of Image in social media and blog posts

Nowadays, social media are essential platforms to boost any company’s business.

As communication channels, they allow us to reach a much broader audience. Most businesses have a presence in at least one social network - with Facebook being the first choice - and increasingly in several networks.

Image is one of the most important tools in corporate communication, especially for those whose products or services have a greater visual potential. For example, if your company sells decorated cakes, it is of the utmost importance that you show potential customers your work. Instagram could be, in your case, the ideal social network.

Instagram allows users to use multiple filters and image editing tools that can enhance their content without having to resort to complex and expensive editing software. Through image, you can show a completely different perspective of your business. Instagram is the ideal social network to show your personality with fun content and to show the public the DNA of your brand.

On the other hand, if you have decided not to be present at instagram or not to publish photos relating to your products or services, it is still important to be careful about the images you use on other platforms. If you have, for example, a company blog, it is essential that you use appealing and professional images.

The blog as a communication platform is increasingly popular, and there are even many sites that work in the form of a blog. We can identify two main approaches to the concept of business blog: blogs with a commercial purpose and those that do not have a commercial purpose. In any case, blogging remains an important communicative tool.

Image is very important for businesses in the sense that, firstly, it allows you to show your brand, and promote it visually. Then, we leave you with some reasons why you should use images in the publications of your blog, facebook or instagram:

1. Images are visually appealing

In the same way that visitors to a website will not spend much time on this page if it does not have a nice layout, the same will happen with your publications. Images within a publication "break" text, softening large blocks of text that become monotonous.

In addition, if an article on your blog is accompanied by an appealing image, the likelihood of getting someone's attention and getting them to click is much higher.

2. Images appear in google search results

Using the right keywords in the Alt and description of the images, these can appear in the results of google and drive traffic to your site. Alt or alt text is used in HTML and XHTML documents to specify alternate or substitute text that is rendered when the HTML element to which it is applied is not rendered. Alt allows information to be rendered in various ways and by various user agents.

3. Images complement text

Using pictures is a great way to explain something that can be confusing to your readers. The visual information offered by an image, graphic or infographics makes a publication more enlightening and informative for readers who are more visual. One thing to keep in mind when producing images for your publications is their size. You should scaleimages to the resolution appropriate to your blog or to the size used by Facebook, so that it is not blurry or too heavy, causing slow loading of the site.

You should also avoid using images that may violate privacy terms by opting for copyrighted images that allow you to use or rely on a designer's support to produce computer graphics.
