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How to prepare your eCommerce for less movement in the summer

Do you have a business and seem to have less traffic in the summer? It's not your imagination, it's true, and it happens in both traditional commerce and e-commerce.

Recent data shows that e-commerce sales fall by an average of 30% during the summer months compared to the rest of the year.

If you are already feeling the pressure of the summer sales drop, this article is for you. Read on to discover our tips for running an e-commerce store during off-peak months.


Take the opportunity to redesign your website

The complete redesign of a website is a process that can take months and ends up being postponed during the busiest months, such as December. If you decide to embark on a remodel of your page during the summer, you'll have more than enough time to have a brand new website in September, when the business starts to pick up again.

A better-looking website and, above all, offering a better customer experience can be an excellent lever for your sales.


Make the improvements you've been putting off

If a complete makeover isn't an option for you, start by making a list of the little things you'd like to change on your site that have been delayed due to lack of time.

On the other hand, it's time to evaluate the pages that potential customers abandon the most and those that receive the most visitors and make the necessary improvements in the former, and invest more in the latter. Identify what your customers find problematic about your website and fix it.


Offer big discounts and bet on sales

If you can, invest in significant sales and discounts. Summer usually also receives sales, a time when products and services from various brands are presented at much lower prices, making them very appealing to customers. Create an idea of ​​urgency in users and make them buy more than ever in your e-commerce.


Keep yourself in the memory of potential customers

In summer, people spend less time online. As such, it will have to make an extra effort to stay in consumers' memories. Bet on writing more content on your blog or email marketing campaigns and remind your customers of your existence. Stay active on social media and present in the memories of your potential customers.


If you have an e-commerce and would like to make improvements or changes that leverage your business, talk to us! Zalox is a specialist in the design and development of customized eCommerce solutions!
