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Prepare your eCommerce for Black Friday

The day after Thanksgiving in the American tradition is known as Black Friday and marks the first day of Christmas shopping for consumers. For companies, it is a huge opportunity to increase sales and, this year, to recover from the economic impact caused by the global pandemic of Covid-19.

However, data shows that Black Friday is no longer the attraction it once was, especially since there are sales and discounts for the rest of the year, especially in e-commerce. The new generation of consumers has access to many more discount opportunities than previous generations, discarding the importance of Black Friday.

As such, you should think of Black Friday as an opportunity to strengthen ties with old customers and retain new ones, being essential to outline a strategy that encompasses not only the this Friday of November but also all possible future buying moments.

Although in previous years consumers have shown less interest on this date as a business opportunity, it is necessary to contextualize Black Friday in the year in which we live. This year, due to the pandemic and the fact that many people are isolated or confined, there will undoubtedly be an increase in online Christmas shopping. On the other hand, with representatives from each country encouraging Christmas shopping to be done as soon as possible to avoid crowds, this year's Black Friday could be a huge asset for businesses. We are not just referring to big businesses: this year, small businesses have made an enormous effort to adapt to our consumer reality and many have also invested in e-commerce or commerce through social media.

Then, we leave some tips of good Digital Marketing principles to implement in your strategy for Black Friday, reaping fruits throughout the year.


Prepare Black Friday in advance

Black Friday should be part of an annual strategy and, as such, prepared in advance and rigorously. You should not leave your digital presence reinforcement for the previous day. Set a period before Black Friday to reinforce online advertising and draw attention to your website - there is no point in having incredible discounts when nobody knows that they exist. Create specific banners for your e-commerce, special discount coupons and price reductions on your most popular products. Make the customer believe that buying on Black Friday is an unmissable opportunity. It is important to test all the features properly so that nothing fails on the big day.



Currently, more people use smartphones than PCs, also increasing the number of consumers of e-commerce. Thus, the shopping experience is one of the most important attributes for Black Friday. Understand that most of your customers will make purchases through mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets and optimize the experience. If a user has a negative experience, it is very unlikely that he or she returns to make purchases on your site, either in the mobile version or on the desktop.


Multi-channel approach

Currently, Black Friday is more expressive in the field of Electronic Commerce. However, you should not neglect other platforms such as social networks, as they are huge allies of any digital strategy. Additionally, if you have a physical store, you should also bet on Black Friday, providing discounts and preparing your employees and the space for a greater volume of purchases.


The importance of knowing the public

Your strategy for Black Friday should always be based on a deep knowledge of your audience. You should know where your customers are, what their consumption habits are, their preferences, their demographic characteristics, etc. All of this data will help you create ways to communicate with the public at the most opportune time and in the most efficient way.

In conclusion, brands will have to adapt to the new consumer habits of consumers so that Black Friday remains a relevant event. To do this, they must develop multi-channel campaigns properly thought out, offering valuable opportunities to potential customers. Don't forget: Black Friday must be part of a comprehensive strategy with long-term goals and not just a one-day bet.

If you need help developing a digital strategy for Black Friday or want to adapt or create an e-commerce page contact Zalox. We are specialists in the development of tailor-made e-commerce solutions. 
