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How to sell through Instagram

In 2018 there is no discussion: Instagram does not require any presentation. For many people, especially younger Internet users, Instagram is the social network of choice and often the first to consult in the morning upon waking.

For this reason, brands are investing heavily in Instagram, taking advantage of the great projection of the social network to promote their products and services. Small, medium or large companies, all can benefit from being present on Instagram, as long as they explore their potential according to the objectives and characteristics of the company.

Consumer habits have changed: in addition to buying more over the Internet, users search for products and services on the web. Thus, your online presence is essential to win over new customers and convince them to choose your company when they are in doubt among various brands.

If we all know that it is essential to be on Instagram, today we leave some tips to improve your profile and transform your profile into a kind of online store.

Facilitate purchase

Nowadays, users do not have much time. So if a purchase is not easy or takes a long time, chances are that the user will give up and look for another company. If your business has an online store, leave the link in the profile biography and also in the publications. If the user has difficulty finding the store address, he/she will make the purchase.

Currently, there is also the option to place product links to your store identified in the pictures.

Make the feed visually appealing

Instagram is an extremely visual social network. So having quality, visually appealing photos is very important. Investing in quality content should be a priority of brands as well as careful planning of publications.

Content Marketing

A profile that only publishes about promotions and products, can become quite tedious and annoy your followers. Although your goal is mostly commercially logically, avoid an invasive marketing strategy. Bet on quality content, spread curiosities about your products and your brand.

Investing in digital influencers

If your budget allows, investing in digital influencers could be a great opportunity. Search for influential personalities in your business segment and propose a partnership. It is important to work with influencers whom your audience trusts and who do not look decontextualized from your business.


Sponsored posts are also an option for many companies. Select publications to sponsor and take advantage of the reach of these posts. Instagram advertising campaigns are defined on Facebook (an associated account is required), allowing identical targeting options to the social network created by Mark Zuckerberg.

You can target the audience of your content based on the most basic demographics, such as age and gender, but also for more specific features such as location, including the ability to select a radius of action around their facilities.

Determine a posting rate

Instagram provides statistics on the best times, the best days of the week, and various demographic data on the public in your profile. All of this information is essential to tailoring your publishing strategy, setting a posting rate, and establishing a higher level of interaction with your audience.

All of these tips are very important to get better results on Instagram but do not lack a carefully planned global strategy.
