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Green computing - make your company go eco-friendly

The number of companies going green is increasing from day to day. Many big technological players are choosing to minimize their impact on the environment. That's the example of Google, Microsoft, or Amazon. But what is green computing?

Climate change is a concern to almost all of us. The planet urges eco-friendly solutions to face the challenge of winning the human footprint.

In today's article, we explain the concept that is changing a lot of companies' mentality and pushing them to take action to reduce their carbon footprint.

Discover the benefits of making your company a little greener.

What is green computing?

As the name suggests, green computing is about reducing the environmental impact of technology.

Also known as sustainable IT, green computing means that companies use less energy.

Therefore, companies lower their carbon emissions.

In other words, green computing is about using computers, computing devices, and equipment and adopting energy-efficient and eco-friendly practices.

In green IT, companies reduce the energy consumed by manufacturers, data centers, and end-users.

It also leads to practices like selecting raw material sustainable sources or reducing electronic waste.

Importance of green IT

Energy efficiency and carbon-free are two of the main goals of green IT.

According to a report published by the Association for Computing Machinery, "the ICT sector share of global greenhouse gas emissions is between 1.8% and 2.8%".

Therefore, it's essential to accept the footprint reduction commitment.

The main reason for going green is to reduce energy consumption. But green computing has other benefits.

A reduction in energy consumption leads to a cut in energy costs for organizations.

A decisive step towards a more eco-friendly company is buying equipment that will last. In the long run, the company will also save money.

Green IT helps reduce the use of energy from fossil fuels. Therefore, it helps to lower pollution present in the atmosphere and water.

How to be greener?

A lot of large companies are committed to going green. However, green computing can be adopted by small companies too.

It only takes small actions. And they can make a big difference. Choosing hibernation or sleeping mode can have a vast impact on improving sustainability.

Small changes like migrating documents from paper to digital are also a great way to optimize a company's processes.

Here's a list of small steps to make you embrace green computing:

  • change for overhead lighting with low energy consumption;
  • include timers or motion detectors to control light;
  • invest in energy-efficient servers, laptops, desktop systems, printers, and other equipment;

At Zalox, we adopt several of these changes to reduce our carbon footprint. Try small changes and make the planet a little greener!
