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Find out what is new in LinkedIn Company pages

LinkedIn’s company pages will change soon.

If you have a corporate page on this professional social network, you may have received an email notifying you that there will be some changes. Here, we present you the key updates and new features.

One of the significant changes is related to design. The new layout of LinkedIn’s Company Pages is simpler, with the news feed to the right of the page and with less visual and textual information. The profile picture will be on the left, next to the About Us of the company.

The admin page will also change to make management of content and page information more intuitive. The Analytics panel has been expanded so you can have access to more measurement data of the impact of your publications.

While LinkedIn doesn’t implement these new features, you can continue to publish updates. LinkedIn will migrate all the content already posted on your current page to your new business page. After this update, you will continue to be able to publish sponsored content on your company page.

LinkedIn is an excellent platform for companies to promote "networking," a highly valued concept currently in business. You can learn more about the advantages of LinkedIn for companies in Zalox’s blog.
