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What is Scrum methodology and why do we use it in software development

If you work in the field of technology, surely you have heard of the term "Scrum" or, perhaps not even consciously, used this methodology. If you have never had contact with the concept, let us clarify some questions about this methodology of work and why it is so used in software development (and not only).

Scrum is a methodological framework that is used to implement an agile, or Agile development methodology. These two concepts, though related, have different meanings and applications. Imagine the following: the difference between a diet and a recipe. A diet, for example, vegetarianism, is a set of practices based on principles and values. A tofu recipe is a methodological framework used to implement your vegetarian diet. This analogy describes the relationship between Agile methodology (the diet) and Scrum (the recipe).

The Agile Manifesto was written in February 2001 by 17 programmers who wanted to develop software more efficiently, helping other professionals do the same. Thus, the manifesto dictated that software development should value:

  • Individuals and interactions rather than processes and tools;

  • Software in operation rather than comprehensive documentation;

  • Collaboration with the client rather than contract negotiation;

  • Respond to changes more than following a plan.

As so, Scrum is a way of applying these principles of Agile methodology. This method can be applied to any type of complex project, not only software development. Next, we explain the elements of the Scrum methodology.

  • Product Owner - a person who represents the best interest of the customer/end user and the internal stakeholders. He is responsible for the Product Backlog, having the authority to make final product decisions. He/she is responsible for maximizing the value that the product provides to customers and to the organization.

  • Backlog: the list of tasks and the requirements and needs of the final product arranged in an order of priorities defined by the Product Owner.

  • Sprint: A Sprint is a predetermined time period within which the team completes sets of Backlog tasks.

  • Daily Scrum: Daily team meeting to make an update on product development.

  • Retrospective - Each Scrum ends with a retrospective in which teams review their work and discuss ways to improve the next Sprint.

One of the most important principles of Scrum is the idea of ​​transparency. All team members should know what others are doing and the progress of Sprint.

Finally, a key feature of Scrum methodology is the idea of ​​repetition and improvement. Repetition of practices and improvement of methodologies improves the efficiency of both final products and the team itself.
