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What is a Media Kit and why do I need one?

Companies are increasingly betting on Digital Marketing. If the potential customer does not know that your brand exists, it will hardly come to you, so it is essential to use various strategies to make your products and services known.

One of the most effective ways for brands to present themselves is to develop and publicize a Media Kit.

A Media Kit is a document usually sent to traditional and digital media that compiles all relevant information about a brand. Currently, most companies choose to have a Digital Media Kit in PDF, but you can also have a printed version to deliver by hand to customers, members of the media, among others.

If you have questions about the content to include in your Media Kit, most have a combination of the following information:

Brief introduction about your business

In this section, you should include all relevant information so potential customers can see how you can help them solve their challenges. You should leave some information about the history of your company, your DNA and your services.

Mission and values

A Media Kit is the ideal opportunity to differentiate yourself from competition, including a manifesto with the mission of your company and the values ​​that constitute its pillars. Do not be afraid to be original and creative. It is important that in a "sea" of businesses that offer the same type of product, yours differentiates.

Testimonials from satisfied customers

Testimonials are a critical component in a Media Kit because they lend credibility to your brand. The best publicity is coming from past clients and partners who enjoyed working with your company.

Common questions

If you regularly respond to the same issues when you make your business known, take note of those issues and include a FAQ section in your Media Kit. Here you should answer these questions clearly and helpfully.


Lastly, you should include at the end of your Media Kit a page with all the contact information of your brand. That is, all the ways to contact you, be they phone numbers, email addresses, address or the links of social media pages. 
