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What a good company website should have

Nowadays, a website is essential for businesses: not being present on the internet is unthinkable.

A few years ago, it was common for corporate websites to have only the company's history and some contact details. However, the purpose of business websites has evolved throughout its history and the internet pages have changed as customers have also done so.

Having an incomplete and poorly organized website can be as harmful as not having a page at all. Nowadays customers are not only visiting your website, they are evaluating your company with every click.

As such, it is important that this tool be optimized to the maximum and offer your potential customers an enjoyable experience that makes them want to work with you.

First and foremost, a company website should provide visitors with the information they need. A large percentage of buyers search the internet for information about businesses before purchasing their products or services. So, when looking at your site you should evaluate if the visitor will be able to find what they are looking for. As a rule, your site should answer the following questions:

1.What is the product / service?


2. How does it work?


3. Why should I choose this company?

If the information is difficult to access, is not structured logically or simply does not exist, we advise you to use the services of a Webdesign and Digital Marketing Agency to help you find the best solution for your brand.

Your company website can also provide a platform for other forms of interaction with the public. For example, if your business has a blog, it should be included in your site and the articles should direct traffic to the pages of the site or, as an e-commerce site, should point to the corresponding product pages.

In this sense, creating consistent and relevant content will captivate readers interested in the topics addressed and give them a reason to return to the website.

On the other hand, your site may also have the online store side, allowing customers to purchase your products and services online. E-commerce has gained special relevance in recent years, especially as more and more consumers belong to the generations born in the internet age.

Lastly, you should evaluate whether your website offers a good visitor experience. You should review your page and answer the following questions:

 My site has answers to potential customer questions

Is navigation intuitive?

Does it convey the culture of my company?

Can I access the page in the same way on mobile devices?

If the answer to one or more of these questions is negative, we encourage you to turn to a team of professionals to help you build a website that reflects your brand. A website with quality and well-structured information can make all the difference to a potential customer when choosing between your company and a competitor.
