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The Importance of Recommended Products in E-Commerce

We have already talked about the advantages of online stores several times. In today's era, consumers are looking for practical solutions and new ways to purchase products and services without the hassle of going to a physical store.

For this reason, having an e-commerce website is more important than ever. The focus of this article is a specific feature that is increasingly being used in e-commerce sites: the recommended products.

Did you know that users who click on a product recommendation are twice as likely to return to a site and that personalized product recommendations represent 26% of e-commerce revenue? These are just some of the data that attest to the importance of recommended products in an online store.

In order to better understand the importance of recommended products in electronic commerce, we used statistical data from Invesp.

According to the Invespcro website, 37% of buyers who clicked on a product recommendation during their first visit to a site returned to that page. On the other hand, only 19% of visitors who did not click on a recommended product during their first visit returned to that site.

The same survey showed that click-through transactions in a recommended product have an average order value 10% higher than those in which there is no click on a recommended product. Another of the available data is that buyers who click on the recommended products are 4.5 times more likely to add products to their cart and finalize a purchase than those who do not click on such products.

Amazon, a multinational technology giant focused on e-commerce, revealed that 35% of its sales are recommended products.

According to Invesp, 49% of users surveyed revealed that they already bought products that they did not initially intend to acquire after receiving a personalized recommendation. Lastly, and attesting to the importance of recommended products, 75% of consumers are more likely to buy based on product recommendations.

Zalox specializes in the development of e-commerce sites. If you wish to develop an online store for your business, contact us, we will be happy to help you achieve your goals.

