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The importance of Ecommerce in today’s economy - Covid-19

Ecommerce was already one of the most relevant business channels for companies.

The purchase and sale of products or services through the internet has become crucial in a time of growing internet utilization and in a time that a large share of consumers is part of the generation that doesn’t dismiss being online in electronic devices.

Consequently, a lot of companies already explored the business potentialities of Ecommerce, but this type of commerce earns a new importance nowadays. The situation that we face currently, consequence of the outbreak of the new Coronavirus, Covid-19, catapults ecommerce to a new level.

In Portugal, a large part of the citizens are in prophylactic isolation at the moment , quarantined or prevented from leaving their homes due to the restrictions imposed by the state of emergency.
With the necessity of remaining at home, people have been adopting alternative methods to shopping, in order to maintain themselves guarded and to delay the spread of the virus.

For the companies, especially small businesses which had to close due to not being considered first necessity services, these are particularly difficult times. Without the possibility to make business, companies have to rely on layoff mechanisms, dismissals, definitive closure… among other scary and unthinkable perspectives.

For these cases, an online store can be the solution to save the business. An Ecommerce page can bring small businesses closer to their former customers and probably earn them new customers who are going to be loyal and keep visiting them when the restrictions are removed. Apart from allowing them to maintain their activity and keep paying their expenses, be it space, employees etc, Ecommerce opens  a door to a new customer network that is not limited to location.

Small and medium-sized enterprises will have to adapt to this reality which will condition the economy, the business flow and the purchasing habits of the portuguese during much more time.

Looking at this problem from the positive side, the pandemic of Covid-19 has been stimulating entrepreneurial creativity. With the urgency of an answer to save businesses, new ideas arise.

If you have a company and intend to develop an Ecommerce page, Zalox has many services and products available which will help you to rectify the losses of the period we are living. Talk to us, we will be very happy to present you a solution tailored for your business.

Zalox is an expert in the development of Ecommerce pages. Contact us!
