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Landing Pages - what are they and what are they for?

Do you know what are “Landing Pages?” If you work in the area of Digital Marketing you are for sure familiar with this concept and what it means. If you have never heard about Landing Pages, this article is for you.

We will explain what Landing Pages are, what they are for and how they can be useful for your business.

Landing Pages are independent web pages created specifically for an advertising or marketing campaign. It is the page where the user “lands” by clicking on an email, an advertisement from Google, Bing, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

Landing Pages’ main goal is to capture leads - people interested in the company’s products and services. These pages have Call to Action (CTA) - links or buttons which direct or cause the user to complete a certain action, usually written in the imperative, like “know more”.

How do Landing Pages differentiate from Websites?

First of all, unlike websites, Landing Pages don’t usually have a navigation menu, they are rather a single page. With websites, there is more possibility of information and actions - products’ display, job applications, brand’s history, etc. In Landing Pages, the previous actions are not available, but only its action of focus.

Landing Pages are direct to the point, the goal is raising leads. This brings the users to having less “distractions”. All the advertisements, all the images are directed so that the user becomes a customer. 

The structure of a Landing Page must be clear, eye-catching and organized. It must have a highlighted and eye-catching title. The desired action must be clear and all the elements must focus on it. The content must be short and objective, catching the attention and interest of the user. The page must transmit security, therefore its connection must be safe and trustable.

For the disclosure of Landing Pages, Marketing automation is a strategy to adopt. This has to do with the promotion of your Landing Page through, for example, email marketing, SMS marketing, etc. Hence, it will increase even more the capture of leads.

In conclusion, Landing Pages are a good strategy for the individual promotion of a specific action. If well-structured and sufficiently eye-catching, it can capture a lot of leads and even make many users become customers. Consider including Landing Pages on your company’s digital marketing strategy.


Zalox can help you to develop an appealing Landing Page for your promotional action. Contact us!

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