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Influencers - Internet opinion leaders

Opinion leader is a person who has the ability to influence others - usually a large group of people - regarding a certain topic or event.

These individuals were the ones that public relations used to promote services, products and ideologies.

With the hegemony of technology in the daily lives of citizens, the concept of opinion leader took on a different scale, creating the figure of the influencer. An influencer is someone who influences the target audience of a niche or industry, having specialized knowledge, authority or insight on a specific subject.

His or her opinion is considered to be reliable and, therefore, an excellent tool for brands that use what is now known as “Influencer Marketing”.

This means that these figures influence the opinion and decisions of their followers in relation to certain brands, products and services. Currently, Influencer Marketing can be applied to social media platforms, blogs, television, youtube, etc.

A few months ago, the news of the end of Instagram likes created a debate on the possible decline of Influencer Marketing. The objective of this initiative is to make Instagram less competitive, especially for younger users. This mechanism is intended, therefore, to lead users of the social network to invest more in content, instead of having as main concern to reach a certain number of likes.

Despite this, there are many other indicators of reach and engagement that determine the success of a brand. More than likes, it matters how many people the publication actually reaches, and who interacts with the content of a given account or with the influencer himself.

Zalox is a specialist in Digital Marketing. Talk to us, we can find the best digital strategy for your company!
