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Email Marketing is not dead, studies say the contrary

Despite the many prophecies about the inevitable death of Email Marketing, recent data demonstrates otherwise, confirming that email marketing is here to stay.

As we discussed earlier, email marketing is more alive than ever and takes on special importance in a time filled with little relevant information.

An iVend Retail study conducted in conjunction with AYTM concluded that email is the preferred medium for Internet users around the world to be contacted by brands. According to the study, 62.9% of consumers chose email as their preferred means of communication, followed by mobile applications with 43% and social media with 25.2%. Finally, 6.2% said that they do not like brands to get in touch with them.

Another study from The Relevancy Group and Zeta Global studied only US consumers, who point out the disclosure of discounts and offers as the great advantage of email for brands. Another factor that contributes to the preference of email is the reminder to the public that it is the ideal time to buy something (festivities and ephemeris, for example).

Alliance Data further adds to the data that, although it is a general trend, email is more popular with older people. The study in question shows that 40% of US users of Generation X choose email as a means of contact with brands, but only 34% of Millennials and 25% of Generation Z indicates the same.
