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Content optimization tips to make your online business stand out

We have been reinforcing for several years: Content Marketing is the future of Digital Marketing. The reason is simple: Content Marketing is a big part of the equation that makes your site appear in the search results of internet users.

For that reason, small and large companies have been resorting to Content Marketing, building a reputation on the internet and increasing their profits.

Creating quality content is extremely important. However, it is not enough to create good content, you must ensure that it is consumed by your target audience at the right time. This is the main job of content optimization: highlighting your content from the rest and getting it to the people for whom it is useful at the right time.

The more useful your content is to those who find it, the better positioned it will be by Google. This means that by focusing on content optimization, you are providing Google with data about your business, investing in a long-term traffic strategy. Next, we leave you with some content optimization tips that you can invest in to highlight your site and attract more visitors and potential customers.


Use keywords correctly

It never hurts to reinforce the importance of keywords. Even when you're writing detailed content, you should incorporate the right keywords in the right places to help you get better results.

Keywords in the page title: If you have basic knowledge of SEO, you know that you should put the main keyword in the page title. Putting that keyword at the beginning of the title increases the likelihood of having a higher ranking. Regarding titles, keep them between 30 and 60 characters.

Keywords in the Meta Description: the meta description is the text that appears in the search engine results, right after reading the title. You should incorporate your most important keywords in these small snippets as they are shown in bold when users search for them.

Keywords in the body of the text: Include significant keywords in the body of the text, especially in the first paragraph. This can catapult you into Google's ranking.


Update old content

When content optimization is done correctly, it can help you take advantage of existing content. Rewriting and updating your content is part of a content optimization strategy in which you offer consistent value without creating new content.

Updating content written a year or two ago promotes that renewed content and drives new traffic to your site. When updating your content, you should also check that the mentioned links, tools and resources remain relevant.


Create easy-to-read content

Publishing easily readable content is one of the most basic actions you can take to give your visitors a good user experience. If visitors to your site encounter a block of text with very close lines and no image, they are more likely to leave the site and enter another link, which may well be your competitor.

An essential part of content optimization is ensuring that your content is well presented and pleasing to the eye.

Finally, make sure that all of your pages are optimized for mobile devices.


A good Content Marketing strategy is essential to increase your website traffic. If you need help in implementing a strategy for your business, talk to us, we are specialists in Content Marketing and its optimization!
